Friday, 2 March 2012

Apple’s OS share skyrockets in February as Android inches up, BlackBerry slides

Apple’s share of global smartphone and tablet usage skyrocketed in February after remaining somewhat flat over the previous three months. Analytics firm Net Applications on Thursday released mobile phone and tablet operating system share data for February, and Apple showed the most gains last month by a wide margin. The Cupertino, California-based company saw its share increase to 60.59% from 53.65% in January as Android inched up less than a point to 19.02% and RIM’s BlackBerry platform slid nearly a point to 2.59%, it’s second lowest monthly share over the past 12 months. Java ME share of mobile and tablet operating system usage plummeted to 14.16% from 19.19% in January, and Symbian dropped to 2.77% from 5.20% over the same period. A chart outlining Net Applications’s data follows below.


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