Wednesday, 21 March 2012

How To Build A Robot

The best way to learn about robotics is to build and program your own robot. This can involve buying many different parts from a range of suppliers, or you could take a simpler route with a DIY kit.We’ve used the £75 Deluxe junkBot from RobotBits. A £65 Basic junkBot is also available, but this model requires you to do some soldering work on the motherboard and supply your own wheels and castor.Here, we describe how to fit together the various components in the kit. Even those with no engineering experience will be able to follow our instructions, using only a set of screwdrivers and a drill. It should take little more than an hour or two to build your own junkBot robot.Left to its own devices, your junkBot isn’t capable of much. Just like...

How To Reset Blackberry PlayBook To Factory Settings

Performing a factory reset can be useful in a number of situations and for different reasons. You might want to sell the tablet and make sure all your personal data is removed from the device beforehand. It can also be useful if your device has become too clogged up with apps, files and different accounts which may be compromising the performance.Follow out step by step guide to resetting your BlackBerry PlaybookNote: Before resetting the PlayBook, make sure sure backup any data you wish to keep. Apps can be downloaded again after the reset.Step OneNavigate to the Setting s menu. Do this by swiping downwards from the bezel above the screen or tapping the cog icon in the top right hand corner of the home screen.Step TwoScroll down the Setting...

Friday, 16 March 2012

Learn How To Jailbreak An IPhone

We'll focus on the iPhone 4 here, as the warranty will have expired on most handsets. The process is largely the same for other models (including iPod touches and iPad), so the principles still apply. Before you start, back up your device in iTunes or iCloud. To force a backup in iTunes, right-click on your device in the list on the left and click Back Up. It's also important to understand the difference between tethered and untethered jailbreaks. The former is something you don't want, as you'll need to connect your phone to a computer in order to reboot it. An untethered jailbreak means you can reboot the phone without consequence: everything will still work afterwards. Also bear in mind that you must not update your iPhone's software...

Monday, 12 March 2012

How to Download Free E-Books

Before you start worrying about the cost of buying eBooks. it's worth remembering that there are a number of places you can download eBooks for free and its legal. There are  a number of website sites such as, Oboko and Project Gutenberg that offer free out-of-copyright eBooks that can be downloaded. Project Gutenberg houses 36,000 free eBooks and includes links to a total of 100,000 hosted on other sites meanwhile offers a selection of free Harlequin romances and a range of cut-price titles. The only snag here is they can't be downloaded directly to your device using a Wi-Fi or 3G connection. You'll have to download them to your PC and then transfer to your eReader by connecting the device to...

Things You Should Know About The New IPad3

On March 8, 2012, Apple introduced its "new iPad" with great expectation and fanfare. It was generally greeted with a loud "meh." And those people are missing an important insight. For example, CNN reported "REVIEW: NEW IPAD NEITHER DUD NOR 'REVOLUTION.' On first glance, the new, never-to-be-actually-named iPad is exactly the same as its predecessor: Same size, same price, same colors." Polishing a Great Product with the new iPad, there isn't much more to bring to a great design other than a noticeable increase in display resolution and initially invisible increased compute power and G4 cellular network speed. And you get all of this for the same price as the last generation. This trend was initially observed by Moore's law in...

Saturday, 10 March 2012

How To Create Iphone Apps

You may have thought that not everyone could create iPhone apps, but you would be wrong. You have seen how some guy from nowhere USA, got wealthy by creating an app and you think you have a great idea of your own but that you do not have to skills to make it a reality. The truth is that it does not take a rocket scientist to create iPhone apps that will sell and be useful. If you have ever thought that you could improve on an existing app or make a totally new one keep reading to find out how. The thing that frightens most people that want to create iPhone apps is the programming and graphics. They think that since they have no experience with these that making an app for iPhone or other mobile devices will be difficult, nothing...

Galaxy Tab 2 And IPad Comparison

Samsung and Apple are into court battles because of the claims of the latter copying the designs of the former. The Galaxy Tabs are one of those products that said to have been copied from the iPad. But amidst the controversies, it had enjoyed some success behind Apple. It provided some alternative for those who either have no money to spend on shinier devices or just hate all products by Steve Jobs. Users are expecting another product when the Galaxy Tabs 2 was announced. This was during the time when the rumors of the release of the iPad 3. But when the news about the specifications of the new tablets by Samsung came out, there was nothing to be impressed about. All the hardware remained the same as the original. There is...

What is Cloud Computing ?

The term 'Cloud Computing' was born in the middle of 2007. The word 'Cloud' is a metaphor to describe the Internet. So it can be explained simply as computing (applications, storage, services etc.) residing on the Internet which the users connect to. For example, if you are using web applications from big firms such as Google or Microsoft, it means that you are using Cloud Computing. The web applications such as Gmail, Google Calendar, Hotmail, Salesforce, Dropbox and Google Docs are all Cloud Computing services because when connecting to those services, the users will access to massive integrated server groups on the Internet. Why using Cloud Computing: Generally, large corporations install certain applications on servers to...

Friday, 9 March 2012

The New Sony Tablet P Review

Sony Tablet P sets itself apart from other Android tablets . It boasts a 1 GHZ Dual core Cpu , 4 GB of internal storage and Android 3.2.1 . It Also has 3G connectivity . The tablet is now for sale. Video Review :   Memory : A 2 GB SD Memory that can be expanded to 32 GB is supplied .    Software : The Tablet runs Android 3.2.1 . There is a fair amount of lag and sluggishness present all over the OS. Dual Core screen Apps Playstaion certification : Sony Tablet P is a playstation certified device , With the four log placed near the hinge . This means That you can play original PSone games.    Battery life : Two Screens totalling 11 inches means a lot for the tablet P's battery power , which is why there is...

Best Android Apps 2012

Best Android Weather Apps: The  Weather Channel : free The Weather Channel provides the most accurate and relevant weather information whenever weather matters to you. Animated Weather Widget :  Animated Weather forecast: realistic video effects, detailed world data. Free! Digital Clock widget 4x2 with Weather forecast application and live wallpapers. The exquisitely realistic video effects of cloudiness, rain and snow provide the vivid sensation of current or future weather conditions for more than 50000 locations over the world. Go Weather:  GO Weather is an amazing weather app. Cool UI, 3D Videos. Best Android Utilities Apps:  Evernote:  This Application makes your notes searchable...

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